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There are multiple reasons for moving to PEC tools, all of which have been proven good. 

First, it needs to be said, that Starrett tools are excellent products, and quality had no bearing on Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Australia switching Brands.

So, what did?

  • Price - PEC tools are better value, particularly for studio or hobby work, because in general, we are not generating income from this work, the last RRP of the Starrett combination 300mm square was $299.00 whereas a PEC version is $179.00 a significant difference, especially since the main criticism of combination squares is that they will wear, which is true, then eventually they will need repair or replacement, so price is important. (We always purchase the hardened steel versions)
  • Accuracy and quality. As you can see there is no real difference in terms of accuracy between PEC and Starrett see below (hardly a super accurate test I know, but it shows the tools to be entirely adequate for woodworking), the quality of the paint finish of the head of the PEC is not as slick as the Starrett but well done, the blade, however, is much better, as it runs smoother with the etching and graduations clearer and precise, enabling a divider tip to "hook" into the graduation mark to get an accurate measure, a surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

  • Parts have always been a bone of contention with Starrett, they just weren’t interested, but are readily available from PEC, albeit we probably won't need to hold many, apart from the longer blades 450mm and 600mm, which fit the Starretts incidentally.
  • Availability, in general, is so much better, stock outages, which are an ongoing concern in any retail business are short-term, approximately 30 days.

Price and availability, particularly availability, were the main reasons for wanting to source a different product, once I tried the PEC versions, it was one of those head slap moments when you tell yourself, Why did I not do this earlier? 

Regards Anthony

P.S. Regarding our Dovetail Ruler (blade), as you can see below they fit the PEC 100mm double square, the 150mm double square, and the 150mm combination square, they no longer fit the Starrett squares.


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